Our most urgent task is to raise the funds necessary to renovate and preserve the Boynton home at 1315 Lapsley Street in Selma. If you would like to learn more about the project or are interested in contributing to our effort, please contact us at (619) 840-2024.  

Click here to donate


The story of Amelia Boynton and Selma is the story of the Civil Rights Movement. Dig into these resources to learn more about this remarkable woman, and other unsung heroes of the Selma movement that ultimately lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Bridge Across Jordan by Amelia Boynton Robinson

Walking With the Wind by John Lewis

MARCH: A Trilogy by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin

In Peace & Freedom: My Journey in Selma by Bernard Lafayette

An Easy Burden by Andrew Young

“Defiance Defined Her” by Nikole Hannah Jones, New York Times Magazine

Eyes on the Prize by PBS

“Fifty Years After Bloody Sunday in Selma, Everything and Nothing Has Changed” by Ari Berman, The Nation

National Voting Rights Museum in Selma, AL

Freedom Rides Museum in Montgomery, AL

The King Center in Atlanta, GA

The Tuskegee University Archives, home to all of Amelia Boynton Robinson’s papers